Difference Between Aerating Fountains and Decorative Fountains

Difference Between Aerating Fountains and Decorative Fountains

Customers often wish to know the difference between an aerating fountain and a decorative fountain.

An aerating fountain will produce more aeration than a decorative fountain because they are made differently. An aerating fountain uses a propellor instead of an impeller, eliminating the need for a nozzle. Nozzles restrict flow, though by how much is determined by the size and number of nozzle holes. Water will only flow through the holes, and that will determine how much water is circulated, thus also determining aeration. An aerating fountain only provides on display, the "V" display, which is created by the propeller.

A decorative fountain doesn't use a propeller but an impeller instead, coupled with a nozzle. Many companies, like Kasco and Fountain Tech, offer multiple nozzles in each of their pond fountain kits.

Kasco Marine, which produces both Kasco aerating fountains and Kasco decorative fountains, recommends the following equation for calculating optimum aeration:

1 HP decorative fountain for each 1/2 surface acre.
3/4 HP aerating fountain for each 1/2 surface acre.

Kasco, however, rates aeration possibilities very conservatively. So you might not need 1 HP decorative aeration for each 1/2 surface acre. It depends on how much natural aeration your pond or lake already has.

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